Jump pilot training

What we do ...

Many accomplished pilots have graduated from the Australian Jump Pilot Academy who are now now enjoying successful and rewarding careers in the skydiving, charter, survey, corporate and airline operations around the world.

As the Australian Parachute Federations only CASA Part 141 Training Organisation (FTO.0285), we are committed to providing our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure they safely and efficiently operate the aircraft to a standard expected by commercial operators.

Our courses are designed in-house by industry professionals with countless years of experience conducting skydiving operations and the training of professional jump pilots, with our examiners bringing with them a wealth of real world experience.

Our course graduates are highly sought after...

Being the industry training leader, Australian Jump Pilot Academy works alongside skydive operators throughout Australia to supply adequately trained JPA pilots on an as need basis.

Pilots whom successfully complete a course of instruction with AJPA are placed into an employment pool which can be accessed by a number of potential employees when employment opportunities arise, with AJPA very proud to have successfully sourced employment opportunities for over 50 (and still growing) course graduates in the past 24 months.

jump pilot training

Our team

Our team of Jump Pilot Examiners (JPE's) are the most experienced team in the industry. They are committed to ensuring the learning environment and course content exceeds the expectations of prospective employees and operators.

Our dedicated and highly professional team have extensive experience in the Jump Flying and Aviation industry. Totalling over 15,000hrs of PJE experience, they are able to deliver unrivalled commitment and passion in the training and education of aspiring Jump Pilots. All of our examiners are trained to the highest of standards and are approved by the Australian Parachute Federation.



The Cessna 208 Caravan is one of the most commonly used aircraft in the Skydive industry. Known for its reliability and versatility in all weather conditions, it has become the main aircraft in the fleet, for many Drop Zones. The C208 Caravan is the largest single-engine airplane produced by Cessna, shuttling up to 21 skydivers to breathtakingly high altitudes thanks to the 675 Shp PT6 engine. AJPA utilises the state of the art Texas Turbines TPE331-12JR equipped 900 SHP Supervans. Being the fastest of its kind, these aircraft can shuttle parachutists to 15,000ft in under 10 minutes, providing an exhilarating experience for the pilots and skydivers alike.